So here is my How to become Popular article just for you ;)
New student or veteran, it doesn't matter. This advice has brought students to be crowned popular. Audience: girls, but guys can reword it for their benefit.
The outside does count
Who said outward appearances didn't matter?
Wear makeup. I don't know a single popular girl that doesn't wear makeup. But, keep the makeup light and subtle. Mascara, a little bit of eyeliner, and light blush will do and use foundation and concealer if you want flawless skin, but don't cake it on.
Hair must be voluptuous and healthy. Popular girls have the best hair. Hair must have great volume and color. And hair can't be worn the same way all the time. If it looks good down and straight and not any other way, then keep it. But if your hair is quite the chameleon, then experiment, ponytails, braids, fishtails, or maybe even pigtails. It'll grab much needed attention. And students will look up to you and copy your hairstyles.
Take off the glasses. Wear contacts. You can wear your glasses occasionally. But it's best to just wear contacts. Some people still label people with glasses as uncool (so elementryish), so just keep it on the safe side by not being a four-eyed until popular status is finalized.
Skin must be clear. However, makeup can cover it all up and give you the image of a gal with flawless skin. Makeup will help you pretend it 'til you make it.
Straight and white teeth. The students who had braces in elementary were made fun of and now they're popular because of their straight and white teeth. I guess it's fine if you've got braces in high school, it shows that you're working on it and will be gorgeous really soon. It has got to be straight teeth or braces, unless the flaw of having slightly crooked teeth makes you super unique and adorable. Some men find that extremely attractive.
Great posture. Shoulders pulled back. Chest forward. Head lifted up slighting. It all shows confidence and dominance. And it is super important in establishing a....
Killer walk. Pretend the hallway is a cat walk. And just strut your stuff! You might look ridiculous, but try and get a hang of it. It's easier if you've got a really great dance song going on in your head. Tik Tok by Kesha, Lady Gaga music, any thing of that sort. Just keep the rhythm and look like you're having a great time even if you're walking by yourself. This is actually quite difficult especially in a crowded hallway, so you might be forced to make your way in the hallways by pushing people to get through. But if there is just a little room, then strut it! And don't forget to...
Smile! Always be caught smiling! Those lips better be curved upright! And lipglossed or chapstickified! Make eye contact with the hottie across the hall, quickly smile, and look away. That guy will be coming up to you and introducing himself in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Work out! You need a fit physique if you're seeking popularity. Work on those abs. Join a sports team. Go to the gym, for crying out loud! Just don't go anorexic or bulimic, even if it does make you popular. Being healthy is the most important thing. If you're healthy, your body will definitely show it. Your skin will glow, your face will radiate, and you'll be unstoppable.
Smell good. Look clean! Please shower everyday. Or at least once every other day (depends on hair type). Use deodorant! Perfume, the likes. Just make sure you smell good and look clean. And brush your teeth and tongue as well.
It's clothes time.
All the physical stuff is quite attainable, except maybe sometimes the straight teeth. But clothes... you've got to spend a little bit of money on. You'll probably need these things if you want to up your chances of becoming popular, and staying popular.
Perfect-fitting bra. Victoria Secret always offers free bra fittings. Leave it all to the pros to help you select the perfect bra. Even if you have small breasts, you should still be measured and you should always wear a bra! I remember in 6th grade, the boys would always snap girls' bra straps. Well, I made sure the boys didn't try and snap my bra strap because then, they would be grossed out to find out that I was not wearing a bra! So always wear a bra, even if boys don't check anymore.
Wear cute frilly panties, not granny panties. Again, go shopping at Victoria Secret for this stuff. Sexy bras and undies always makes you feel sexy, even if nobody else can see them.
Keep tabs on the hottest trends. Know the innies and outties of fashion! I used to post these kinds of things. I guess I will start continuing on doing so. Just research and find out what's hot and what's not. I think that is really all that matters. It doesn't really matter if it's designer or not. If animal prints are out for the season, then don't wear it!
Designer clothes? Is it all that important in High School? If people can tell it's quite expensive, then they'll think you're loaded. Hollister, Abercrombie, Pacsun, and American Eagle... oh my goodness. That was all I wore for my Junior High years. Those aren't even designer. It was ridiculous, but hey... I was pretty popular among the preps. Shop at Hot Topic, then the Emos and punks will acknowledge you. BC surf and sport and Zumiez for the skaters. So designer doesn't really matter. It all depends on style and maybe also label. But what do the popular people wear?
-True Religion jeans
-Hollister, Abercrombie, Pacsun, and American Eagle-the people who shop here crave attention
-Stores like Forever 21 are starting to emerge into the popular scene.
I'll write an article going into more depth with the cool crowd choices of clothing.
Jewelry is a must-have. This again is in connection with becoming an attention-grabber. Shiny jewelry grabs attention. So pile on the bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. etc. Don't pile on too many! Remember the fashion rule: take one off before leaving the house!
That is pretty much it for the outward appearances. The choice of shoes, socks, and some other things don't really matter. Well, there you have it, How to be Popular: Outside Edition!