
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Prom Poem

Prom is the time of your life.
The most perfect excuse
To dress up and wear makeup.
Search for the dress and shoes.

Waiting for my Prince Charming.
Sweep me of my feet please.
Why don't you ask me to dance?
My thoughts for you won't cease.

Don't judge me by my looks only.
Please don't be like most guys.
There really is more to me,
It's just hidden inside.

Just ask me to dance with you.
Soon I will shed the mask.
You will see what is beneath.
Find the real me? Just ask.

Apparently, my blog has turned into a fiesta, all dedicated to the one and only, Prom.

Prom, Prom, Prom - I got to stop thinking about you.

I find it quite hilarious that the five posts I have written this month have all been related to Prom. March = Prom! Ah. Why is Prom so soon? March 27th! I need to get out of this cycle!

Guys, I know that all my articles on Prom are just absolutely creepy, but it says a lot about girls' views on Prom. It's really important to girls! We think about it a lot! And it's pretty much all we talk about this time of year. And when we are waiting to get asked while time is running out, well, we kind of get desperate (as you can see!). So save a ton of money, suck it up, and ask a girl (preferably me!) already.

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