I got this information off of the Comp events handbook.
Business Procedures:Competency in performing daily tasks is a necessity in
business. This event provides recognition for FBLA
members who possess knowledge of basic skills and
procedures and the ability to make intelligent business
Each state may enter three (3) participants
who are members from active local chapters,
on record in the national center as having paid
dues by March 1 of the current school year.
A one (1) hour objective test will be
administered based on the competencies
listed. Nongraphing calculators will be
Objective Test Competencies
o human relations
o technology concepts
o communication skills
o decision making
o career development
o business operations
o database management
o ethics
NBEA Standards Reinforced by Event
Career Development: workplace expectations, career strategy •
Communication: foundations, employment, organizational •
Computation: problem-solving applications •
Economics and Personal Finance: personal decision making •
Information Technology: database management systems, •
information technology and major business functions, privacy and
Career Clusters: Business, Management and Administration;
Information Technology
Economics:This event provides recognition for FBLA members
who can identify, understand, and apply economic
principles to contemporary social, political, and
ecological problems.
Each state may enter three (3) participants
who are members from active local chapters,
on record in the national center as having
dues by March 1 of the current school year.
A one (1) hour objective test will be
administered based on the competencies
listed. Nongraphing calculators will be
Objective Test Competencies
o economic principles related to the policies
and goals of the United States economy
o comparison of the American economic
system to other systems
o supply and demand
o international trade
o market structures
o investments and interest rates
o monetary and fiscal policy
o types of businesses
o business cycles
o role of government
o labor relations
o environmental issues
NBEA Standards Reinforced by Event
Economics and Personal Finance: allocation of resources, •
economic systems, economic institutions and incentives, markets
and prices, market structures, productivity, role of government,
international economic concepts
Entrepreneurship: economics, aggregate supply and demand •
International Business: global business environment •
Management: organized labor •
Career Clusters: Business, Management and Administration; Finance;
Marketing, Sales and Service
EntrepreneurshipOwning and managing a business is the goal of many
Americans. This event recognizes FBLA members
who demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to
establish and manage a business. This event is based
on team rather than individual participation. In
addition to learning and applying business decisionmaking
skills, team participants develop speaking
ability and poise through oral presentations.
Each state may submit two (2) teams
composed of two (2) or three (3) members
from active local chapters, on record in the
national center as having paid dues by March
1 of the current school year. No more than
one (1) team member may have competed in
this event at a prior NLC.
This event consists of two (2) parts: an
objective test and a performance component.
A one (1) hour objective test will be
administered based on the competencies
listed. Team members will take one objective
test collaboratively. Nongraphing calculators
will be provided.
The case study will consist of a decisionmaking
problem encountered by
entrepreneurs in one or more of the following
areas: business planning, human relations,
financial management, and marketing. All the
questions raised in the case must be addressed
during the presentation.
The top ten (10) teams with the highest •
score on the objective test will advance to
the final round. The objective test score
will be used to break a tie.
All teams will be sequestered before the •
first performance to receive instructions
and time assignments.
Twenty (20) minutes before the •
performance, each team will receive the
case study.
Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be •
provided for each team member and
may be used during the preparation and
performance of the event. Information
may be written on both sides of the
note cards. Note cards will be collected
following the presentation.
No reference materials, visual aids, or electronic devices may be •
brought to or used during the preparation or performance.
Teams have seven (7) minutes to present the case. •
Teams should introduce themselves, describe the situation, make •
their recommendations, and summarize their case. All team
members must participate in the presentation.
A timekeeper will stand at six (6) minutes and again at seven •
(7) minutes. When each team is finished, the time used will
be recorded. A five (5) point deduction will be made for
presentations over seven (7) minutes.
Following each presentation, judges will conduct a three (3) •
minute question-answer period.
The final performance is open to conference attendees, who are •
not performing participants of this event.
Objective Test Competencies
o business plans
o community/business relations
o legal issues
o initial capital and credit
o personnel management
o financial management
o marketing management
o taxes
o government regulations
o ethics
Performance Competencies
o topic presented in a logical manner
o communication skills evident through voice projection and diction
o critical thinking/problem solving used to resolve case
o presentation includes positive and negative aspects of
o all team members contribute to presentation
o answer questions effectively
NBEA Standards Reinforced by Event
Accounting: the accounting process, special applications •
Communication: foundations, organizational •
Entrepreneurship: marketing, economics, finance, accounting, •
global market, legal, business plans
Management: management functions, human resource •
Marketing: foundations of marketing, the marketing mix, the •
marketing plan
Career Clusters: Business, Management and Administration; Finance;
Marketing, Sales and Service
REFERENCE: Entrepreneurship—Performance RATING SHEET-25.
Global BusinessThe global economy is a complex, continually flowing
and constantly changing network of information,
goods, services, and cultures. Most nations rely on
other nations for natural resources to supply their needs
and wants. Global business also provides new markets
and investment opportunities as well as promotion of
better relationships.
Each state may submit two (2) entries
composed of two (2) or three (3) members
from active local chapters, on record in the
national center as having paid dues by March
1 of the current school year. No more than
one (1) team member may have competed in
this event at a prior NLC.
This event consists of two (2) parts: an
objective test and a performance component.
A one (1) hour objective test will be
administered based on the competencies
listed. Team members will take one objective
test collaboratively. Nongraphing calculators
will be provided.
The case study will consist of a problem
encountered in the international/global arena.
All the questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
Performance Guidelines
The top ten (10) teams with the highest •
score on the objective test will advance to
the final round. The objective test score
will be used to break a tie.
All teams will be sequestered before the •
first performance to receive instructions
and time assignments.
Twenty (20) minutes before the •
performance, each team will receive the
case study.
Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be •
provided for each team member and
may be used during the preparation and
performance of the event. Information
may be written on both sides of the
note cards. Note cards will be collected
following the presentation.
No reference materials, visual aids, •
or electronic devices may be brought
to or used during the preparation or
The team has seven (7) minutes to interact with a panel of judges •
and present the solution to the case. The judges will play the role
of the second party in the presentation and refer to the case for
Teams should introduce themselves, describe the situation, make •
their recommendations, and summarize their case. All team
members are expected to actively participate in the performance.
A timekeeper will stand at six (6) minutes and again at seven (7) •
The final performance is open to conference attendees, who are •
not performing participants of this event.
Objective Test Competencies
o ownership and management
o communication including language and culture
o legal issues
o structure of global business organization
o treaties and trade agreements
o taxes and government regulations
o marketing
o currency exchange
o human resource management
o finance
o ethics
Performance Competencies
o demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving
o describe case study and explain recommendations
o effective communication skills
o explain strengths and weakness of proposed solution
o effectively answer questions
NBEA Standards Reinforced by Event
Accounting: the accounting cycle •
Economics and Personal Finance: economic systems, international •
economic concepts
Entrepreneurship: global markets •
International Business: foundations of international business, •
organization structures for international business activities,
international trade relations, international management,
international marketing, international finance
Management: global perspective •
Marketing: foundations of marketing, the marketing mix •
Career Clusters: Business, Management and Administration; Finance;
Government and Public Administration; Marketing, Sales and Service
REFERENCE: Global Business—Performance RATING SHEET-28.