Tuesday, February 23, 2010
After reading the Scarlet Letter
I read the Scarlet Letter a while ago. I read it during Thanksgiving Break, so that was a really long time. Well, I thought I'd make a note that I had chest pains after I read that book. Now if you are actually familiar with the story then you might find the connection between the book's story and my chest pains. Does this mean that I am sinful? That I am hiding a major sin that I should expose? I decided to finally write this article because I've been having occasional chest pains since I read the book. What do you think? I am definitely not an adulterer. What am I hiding that is eating up my heart? Is it my lack of honesty? A result of so many heartbreaks from falling for the wrong guys? What is it? Sin? Or heartbreaks? Or is it just my lack of healthy eating and exercise? What is it?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
School Success
If you've taken a psychology or an adult roles class, then you've heard of the Marshmallow experiment. A psychologist named Walter Mischel conducted an experiment, where he got a group of four-year-old kids and he left a marshmallow in front of each of them. He told the kids that he had to leave the room for a few minutes. He told the kids that if they didn't eat their marshmallow when he came back, he would give them another one. When he left, a few kids quickly ate the marshmallow, some lasted a few minutes until they caved in, others smelled and even licked the marshmallow, while the rest tried to distract themselves by singing, screaming, closing their eyes, and playing games. When Mischel came back, he rewarded the kids who resisted eating their marshmallows a second marshmallow.
After the experiment, the researcher followed the lives of each of these kids up through high school. Those who had resisted eating the marshmallow were doing far better in high school than those who couldn't wait. The students who waited were more involved in extracurricular activities, had better grades, were popular, confident, and had higher standardized test scores.
Now compare the marshmallow to quitting high school. Some students believe that by quitting high school now, they'll have that delicious marshmallow now and not have to go through anymore trouble. A few students believe by quitting school now, they can get a job and start making money to buy things, like new clothes, a car, or even an apartment. And there would be no more waking up early for school, no more homework, and no more teachers. However, by dropping out of high school, that means that it's a sacrifice for what could have been two marshmallows instead of one. The two marshmallows could mean a better education, a better-paying job, designer clothes, a luxury car, and a nice home. Now do you want to do your homework instead of going to that party? Do the work now and play later.
Did you know that a high school diploma is worth a million dollars? While a college degree can be worth more than 2 million? The average a high school dropout will make is $21,268 per year. The average for a high-school degree recipient is $30,316 per year, and a college graduate will see at least $48,724 per year. If you multiply these numbers over a lifetime of work (40 years), then you can see the major difference.
The lifelong earnings
High-school dropout is $850,720
High-school graduate-$1,212,640
College graduate- over $1,948,960
Do some high-school dropouts become successful? Yes, a few do. But it's quite a rarity. You've got to be pretty lucky. The odds are stacked against you. So why would you want to take the chance?
Yes, high school is really difficult. I bet you've heard a couple of these quotes from your peers or maybe you've said some of these yourselves.
-"I don't have time for all of this homework."
-"The teachers just always assign tests, projects, and essays all at the same time! I bet they all get together and plan it!"
-"My parents are going to kill me."
-"The teachers treat us like little kids."
-"The teacher has a monotone voice."
-"I am always hungry and sleepy in that class."
-"The teacher hates me."
-"I am stressed out!"
-"I am such a procrastinator!"
-"I just don't care anymore."
Now here are some tips and advice for success in high school.
2010 is your year to shine in school.
-Believe you can succeed!
-Use your daily planner!
-Organize. Decide to do the hardest stuff first and then the easier later.
Make a friend in the class. They'll help you with assignments and tell you what you need if you're absent. And you'll actually want to go to class.
-Study groups.
-Ask the teacher for help.
-Smile every morning!
-Go to class!
-Do extra-credit, even if you might not need it.
-Be a teacher's pet. Stop thinking teachers hate you.
-Stop watching TV and surfing the web.
-Develop great study habits.
-Talk to the counselors about career and college opportunities.
-Develop a to-do list every night and cross out what you have done.
-Reward yourself by giving yourself a break after one hour of reading, but avoid watching TV and using the internet because then it might turn into something other than what was intended.
-Join a club that you're interested in. Get really involved. And then run for a leadership position the following year.
-Cultivate a strong social network of friends from all over the school social spectrum. What I mean to say is that you should have a variety of good, close friends ranging from the goths, geeks, drama, athletics, skates, art, etc. etc.
-Ask questions.
-You are the people you hang out with, so look at your friends. Do you want to be like them? If they're smart, then you're smart. If they're depressed, then most likely they'll bring you down. If all they do is talk about sex, drugs, and partying, then most likely you'll be pressured to do those things.
-Be kind to everyone. Do not spread rumors. And don't gossip.
-Don't do or say anything that will embarrass yourself or your family. Think before you do or say anything.
-Think about the consequences of your actions.
-Learn from your mistakes
-Remember that the only factors that change about you are solely about the knowledge you obtain and the people that you meet and cultivate strong relationships with.
Read and socialize-then, you'll grow. Those are the main reasons we go to school for. And that's why school is so important.
You hear it all the time but it rings with much truth. An education will get you farther in life. It'll open more doors for you. And you'll have more options to choose from. And your kids and the generations after you will benefit from your knowledge and wisdom. That party just seems so enticing and you don't want to let your friends down, but just hold on a little bit longer and you'll be rewarded with something far greater. Two marshmallows are far better than one, it just takes patience and hard work.
After the experiment, the researcher followed the lives of each of these kids up through high school. Those who had resisted eating the marshmallow were doing far better in high school than those who couldn't wait. The students who waited were more involved in extracurricular activities, had better grades, were popular, confident, and had higher standardized test scores.
Now compare the marshmallow to quitting high school. Some students believe that by quitting high school now, they'll have that delicious marshmallow now and not have to go through anymore trouble. A few students believe by quitting school now, they can get a job and start making money to buy things, like new clothes, a car, or even an apartment. And there would be no more waking up early for school, no more homework, and no more teachers. However, by dropping out of high school, that means that it's a sacrifice for what could have been two marshmallows instead of one. The two marshmallows could mean a better education, a better-paying job, designer clothes, a luxury car, and a nice home. Now do you want to do your homework instead of going to that party? Do the work now and play later.
Did you know that a high school diploma is worth a million dollars? While a college degree can be worth more than 2 million? The average a high school dropout will make is $21,268 per year. The average for a high-school degree recipient is $30,316 per year, and a college graduate will see at least $48,724 per year. If you multiply these numbers over a lifetime of work (40 years), then you can see the major difference.
The lifelong earnings
High-school dropout is $850,720
High-school graduate-$1,212,640
College graduate- over $1,948,960
Do some high-school dropouts become successful? Yes, a few do. But it's quite a rarity. You've got to be pretty lucky. The odds are stacked against you. So why would you want to take the chance?
Yes, high school is really difficult. I bet you've heard a couple of these quotes from your peers or maybe you've said some of these yourselves.
-"I don't have time for all of this homework."
-"The teachers just always assign tests, projects, and essays all at the same time! I bet they all get together and plan it!"
-"My parents are going to kill me."
-"The teachers treat us like little kids."
-"The teacher has a monotone voice."
-"I am always hungry and sleepy in that class."
-"The teacher hates me."
-"I am stressed out!"
-"I am such a procrastinator!"
-"I just don't care anymore."
Now here are some tips and advice for success in high school.
2010 is your year to shine in school.
-Believe you can succeed!
-Use your daily planner!
-Organize. Decide to do the hardest stuff first and then the easier later.
Make a friend in the class. They'll help you with assignments and tell you what you need if you're absent. And you'll actually want to go to class.
-Study groups.
-Ask the teacher for help.
-Smile every morning!
-Go to class!
-Do extra-credit, even if you might not need it.
-Be a teacher's pet. Stop thinking teachers hate you.
-Stop watching TV and surfing the web.
-Develop great study habits.
-Talk to the counselors about career and college opportunities.
-Develop a to-do list every night and cross out what you have done.
-Reward yourself by giving yourself a break after one hour of reading, but avoid watching TV and using the internet because then it might turn into something other than what was intended.
-Join a club that you're interested in. Get really involved. And then run for a leadership position the following year.
-Cultivate a strong social network of friends from all over the school social spectrum. What I mean to say is that you should have a variety of good, close friends ranging from the goths, geeks, drama, athletics, skates, art, etc. etc.
-Ask questions.
-You are the people you hang out with, so look at your friends. Do you want to be like them? If they're smart, then you're smart. If they're depressed, then most likely they'll bring you down. If all they do is talk about sex, drugs, and partying, then most likely you'll be pressured to do those things.
-Be kind to everyone. Do not spread rumors. And don't gossip.
-Don't do or say anything that will embarrass yourself or your family. Think before you do or say anything.
-Think about the consequences of your actions.
-Learn from your mistakes
-Remember that the only factors that change about you are solely about the knowledge you obtain and the people that you meet and cultivate strong relationships with.
Read and socialize-then, you'll grow. Those are the main reasons we go to school for. And that's why school is so important.
You hear it all the time but it rings with much truth. An education will get you farther in life. It'll open more doors for you. And you'll have more options to choose from. And your kids and the generations after you will benefit from your knowledge and wisdom. That party just seems so enticing and you don't want to let your friends down, but just hold on a little bit longer and you'll be rewarded with something far greater. Two marshmallows are far better than one, it just takes patience and hard work.
A teen's perspective on freedom.
What is on my mind nowadays: sex, prom, boys, fame, school, college, and homework.
What I should be really thinking about is: job, money, marriage, children, etc. etc.
Why don't I start thinking about the stuff that I should really be thinking about at my tender age of 17?
I don't think about those things because I don't have very much freedom. I need to be let go little by little, but that's not happening. I am a prisoner in this place I am supposed to be calling home. So all I am required to think about is sex, prom, boys, fame, school, college, and homework. So when it does come down to the time when I should be thinking about all those other things, then I am going to be confused and become quite frustrated. I need to learn how to be independent. I need the freedom to make my own decisions and to learn from my own mistakes.
Parents, all over the world, if you have a teenager in the household, please know that you've got to let your teens go little by little. Let them learn how to be independent. So when they graduate from high school, they would know what to do in the real world, on their own.
Another reason teens need their independence... and by independence I mean letting them close their room door and give them their privacy. Let your teens go out with their friends. If your teen comes home late and past curfew, don't yell at them, don't ground them, and don't ask them all these questions about sex, drugs, and friends. But instead, please tell them that by being late you were extremely worried and that you're glad they're safe. Instead of grounding them, please just let them make it up to you by letting them clean up the bathroom or wax the car.
If teens don't have their freedom, then apparently, they are going to rebel. Teens will do anything to get out of the house and away from their crazy parents, this means dropping out of school, to get a job, and live in an apartment.
It's a difficult time for teenagers. We are trying to leave the whole dependent stage behind and to become independent in the real world with the confidence and knowledge. But this can't be done if there are parents holding their teens back.
So parents, I know it may be it difficult to let your teens go. And you may be afraid that your teens will make bad mistakes, but if you've done a great job at parenting and had taught your teens strong values and morals, then likely your teens will be fine. But it's time to let them make their own decisions. Do you honestly want a 35-year-old son still living in your house? If you don't want that, then let your teens live. Give your teens the freedom they need to prosper and grow into confident, mature adults.
We're all grateful that our parents took good care of us. Providing us with the food, shelter, clothes, and love that we needed. But we're not kids anymore. By not giving us the freedom we need- you're holding us back, you're making us remain as kids and preventing us from growing into adults. It's time that you give us the push we need to learn the world on our own. And freedom is that first major push.
What I should be really thinking about is: job, money, marriage, children, etc. etc.
Why don't I start thinking about the stuff that I should really be thinking about at my tender age of 17?
I don't think about those things because I don't have very much freedom. I need to be let go little by little, but that's not happening. I am a prisoner in this place I am supposed to be calling home. So all I am required to think about is sex, prom, boys, fame, school, college, and homework. So when it does come down to the time when I should be thinking about all those other things, then I am going to be confused and become quite frustrated. I need to learn how to be independent. I need the freedom to make my own decisions and to learn from my own mistakes.
Parents, all over the world, if you have a teenager in the household, please know that you've got to let your teens go little by little. Let them learn how to be independent. So when they graduate from high school, they would know what to do in the real world, on their own.
Another reason teens need their independence... and by independence I mean letting them close their room door and give them their privacy. Let your teens go out with their friends. If your teen comes home late and past curfew, don't yell at them, don't ground them, and don't ask them all these questions about sex, drugs, and friends. But instead, please tell them that by being late you were extremely worried and that you're glad they're safe. Instead of grounding them, please just let them make it up to you by letting them clean up the bathroom or wax the car.
If teens don't have their freedom, then apparently, they are going to rebel. Teens will do anything to get out of the house and away from their crazy parents, this means dropping out of school, to get a job, and live in an apartment.
It's a difficult time for teenagers. We are trying to leave the whole dependent stage behind and to become independent in the real world with the confidence and knowledge. But this can't be done if there are parents holding their teens back.
So parents, I know it may be it difficult to let your teens go. And you may be afraid that your teens will make bad mistakes, but if you've done a great job at parenting and had taught your teens strong values and morals, then likely your teens will be fine. But it's time to let them make their own decisions. Do you honestly want a 35-year-old son still living in your house? If you don't want that, then let your teens live. Give your teens the freedom they need to prosper and grow into confident, mature adults.
We're all grateful that our parents took good care of us. Providing us with the food, shelter, clothes, and love that we needed. But we're not kids anymore. By not giving us the freedom we need- you're holding us back, you're making us remain as kids and preventing us from growing into adults. It's time that you give us the push we need to learn the world on our own. And freedom is that first major push.
More Prom dresses



These are all really cute cheap dresses that I found online. With the exception of the shopbop dress, which is actually really expensive. Now these aren't your typical prom dresses. I always strive for uniqueness. I don't want to wear a dress that looks like everybody else's. The dress has to show my personality and it's got to be absolutely amazing. The best one at the dance, always.
These dresses that I found are amazing, however, they're not really my dream prom dress.
My dream prom dress is...
One-Shoulder, or two. Ah, it doesn't really matter
Sparkly, Beaded, Diamonds
Knee Length
Poofy at the bottom
Tight at the waist and chest
Absolutely amazing
Will make anyone look beautiful in it
Extremely unique and fashionable
Envy of all the girls
Guys will fall in love with the girl inside the dress
And the girl wearing the dress will find her soulmate
Now that is my dream prom dress.
These are all really cute cheap dresses that I found online. With the exception of the shopbop dress, which is actually really expensive. Now these aren't your typical prom dresses. I always strive for uniqueness. I don't want to wear a dress that looks like everybody else's. The dress has to show my personality and it's got to be absolutely amazing. The best one at the dance, always.
These dresses that I found are amazing, however, they're not really my dream prom dress.
My dream prom dress is...
One-Shoulder, or two. Ah, it doesn't really matter
Sparkly, Beaded, Diamonds
Knee Length
Poofy at the bottom
Tight at the waist and chest
Absolutely amazing
Will make anyone look beautiful in it
Extremely unique and fashionable
Envy of all the girls
Guys will fall in love with the girl inside the dress
And the girl wearing the dress will find her soulmate
Now that is my dream prom dress.
O Prom date, Prom date, wherefore art thou my prom date?
In search of the perfect prom date.
It's time to start hanging out with hot guys and start hinting to them that I want to go to prom with them!
I didn't go to prom last year because no guy asked me. I really need a date for this year because I am definitely going! I am just going to go up to a random guy and ask him if no guy I know does so.
The dance is coming up really soon. It's going to be March 27th! That's a month and 7 days. AH! I really, really need a date. And then I really, really need an amazing dress. I've looked good at all the dances that I've gone to. So I always have to go above and beyond the standard that I set for myself.
It's time to get working. There won't be a prom without the perfect date. It's time to start meeting some really cute boys! And it's time to start hinting to them. Wink. Wink.
Got to work it!
It's time to start hanging out with hot guys and start hinting to them that I want to go to prom with them!
I didn't go to prom last year because no guy asked me. I really need a date for this year because I am definitely going! I am just going to go up to a random guy and ask him if no guy I know does so.
The dance is coming up really soon. It's going to be March 27th! That's a month and 7 days. AH! I really, really need a date. And then I really, really need an amazing dress. I've looked good at all the dances that I've gone to. So I always have to go above and beyond the standard that I set for myself.
It's time to get working. There won't be a prom without the perfect date. It's time to start meeting some really cute boys! And it's time to start hinting to them. Wink. Wink.
Got to work it!
Innies and Outties: Cheerleaders
Kyy's Innies and Outties. What's In and What's Out.
Outtie: Cheerleaders
I don't think all cheerleaders are bad. But in my opinion, most of them are. I try to find examples that contradict my stereotype of a cheerleader, but I seldom find it. When I do, it's quite a rarity.
I used to want to be a cheerleader. When I was in Elementary, I dreamed about the day that I would finally become a cheerleader, date a hot football player, and be one of the popular students in the school. Of course, this all began with the movie series, Bring It On. The movie shows the highlights of being a popular cheerleader and always getting the man of your dreams. My dream of becoming a cheerleader went even further when I did gymnastics with other wanna-be cheerleaders.
Of course, I never became a cheerleader. And I am so grateful that I am not a cheerleader! Hallelujah!
Well, the reason I am writing this post is not to just diss on all cheerleaders. But one certain cheerleader. And she became that way because she is a cheerleader, dated a football player, and is one of the popular girls in school.
And well, I don't like her because she took the boy that I liked away from me. When that boy that I liked was on a date with me! And she kissed my friend before she kissed the boy that I liked. She hurt my friend and she hurt me. And she ruined the great relationship I had with the boy I liked. Ugh, what a typical cheerleader. You really can't trust them. They will just start making out with any easy guy, if you know what I mean.
There you have it. Another reason why I am happy that I am not a cheerleader. And another cheerleader that clearly exemplifies the cheerleader stereotype: sluttyish. (Keeping it PG). Why do you think they became a cheerleader in the first place? To flash what's underneath their short skirts and to show guys they're easy, of course!
I know a lot of cheerleaders are going to not like me after reading this. But remember, I used to want to become one of you guys. I didn't become a cheerleader not because I couldn't do the splits or do a backflip, it's because I didn't' want to develop those characteristics that I oh so hate.
Cheerleaders, maybe you can learn a thing or two from this post. Show people that you're not the stereotypical cheerleader by not kissing and sleeping with every guy that walks. Respect yourselves and the people around you. And have some standards, morals, and character!
Otherwise, you'll remain an outtie.
Outtie: Cheerleaders
I don't think all cheerleaders are bad. But in my opinion, most of them are. I try to find examples that contradict my stereotype of a cheerleader, but I seldom find it. When I do, it's quite a rarity.
I used to want to be a cheerleader. When I was in Elementary, I dreamed about the day that I would finally become a cheerleader, date a hot football player, and be one of the popular students in the school. Of course, this all began with the movie series, Bring It On. The movie shows the highlights of being a popular cheerleader and always getting the man of your dreams. My dream of becoming a cheerleader went even further when I did gymnastics with other wanna-be cheerleaders.
Of course, I never became a cheerleader. And I am so grateful that I am not a cheerleader! Hallelujah!
Well, the reason I am writing this post is not to just diss on all cheerleaders. But one certain cheerleader. And she became that way because she is a cheerleader, dated a football player, and is one of the popular girls in school.
And well, I don't like her because she took the boy that I liked away from me. When that boy that I liked was on a date with me! And she kissed my friend before she kissed the boy that I liked. She hurt my friend and she hurt me. And she ruined the great relationship I had with the boy I liked. Ugh, what a typical cheerleader. You really can't trust them. They will just start making out with any easy guy, if you know what I mean.
There you have it. Another reason why I am happy that I am not a cheerleader. And another cheerleader that clearly exemplifies the cheerleader stereotype: sluttyish. (Keeping it PG). Why do you think they became a cheerleader in the first place? To flash what's underneath their short skirts and to show guys they're easy, of course!
I know a lot of cheerleaders are going to not like me after reading this. But remember, I used to want to become one of you guys. I didn't become a cheerleader not because I couldn't do the splits or do a backflip, it's because I didn't' want to develop those characteristics that I oh so hate.
Cheerleaders, maybe you can learn a thing or two from this post. Show people that you're not the stereotypical cheerleader by not kissing and sleeping with every guy that walks. Respect yourselves and the people around you. And have some standards, morals, and character!
Otherwise, you'll remain an outtie.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Fashion: Spring/Summer 2010
Short shorts
Boy shorts
Knee and over the knee socks
Sport Clothes
Bow headbands
Ripped Jeans
Patched/Motorcycle jeans
Boyfriend blazer
Multi-Strap dresses
Neutral Tones
Fold Neckline
"Painty" Prints
Tailored Vest
Drapey Minidess
Pile-on Bracelets
Multi-print dress
Preppy stripes
Academic blazers
Warrior/Military look
Shoulder bags
Boy shorts
Knee and over the knee socks
Sport Clothes
Bow headbands
Ripped Jeans
Patched/Motorcycle jeans
Boyfriend blazer
Multi-Strap dresses
Neutral Tones
Fold Neckline
"Painty" Prints
Tailored Vest
Drapey Minidess
Pile-on Bracelets
Multi-print dress
Preppy stripes
Academic blazers
Warrior/Military look
Shoulder bags
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